Famous model become suspect in case of diamond robbery and homicide, must involve with farm owner who impressed with his part because he believe that she's innocent. Both of them find out about this together, along with breaking the wall of his heart for new fresh love.
无比讨厌三年前那部「Results」的我无论如何也不会想到同一个人能拍出这样一部让人爱不释手的电影。用了太多细腻的心思,在最不经意的地方塞满了太多布加尔斯基神经病一样独此一家的笑点和泪点。在这群完美演绎的角色身上一度好像看到了平日近在眼前的每一个人。SHE is not a superhero, SHE is a NI